Year Round Essentials—These items should always be in your child’s back pack regardless of the season. Detailed lists regarding the seasons are listed below.
- A backpack that fits their body that has a chest strap! (the chest strap helps the pack stay on comfortably while we move through the day)
- Extra clothes (in a Ziploc bag)
- Diapers and wipes if necessary (just put a small amount of wipes in a Ziploc bag)
- Water bottle (filled only half way)
- A wee mug for tea
- Whistle to hang on backpack
Inside the Backpack
- Extra clothes (socks, underpants, shirt and pants. Diapers and wipes if necessary) in a Ziploc bag
- Large snack in reusable container that your child can open and close themselves preferably.
- Water bottle with easy flip top filled half way. (Educators carry extra water)
- A wee mug for tea
When it Rains/Colder Weather Essentials
- Rain coat and pants
- Rain boots or close toed shoes (depending on weather)
- Warm layers such as fleece or wool. (No cotton please)
- A toque that fits under their hood
- Warm, waterproof mittens
When it’s Not Raining/Warmer Weather Essentials
- Brimmed hat
- Sunscreen either already applied or in the backpack
- Close toed shoes (no sandals please)
- Long sleeved shirt
- Extra sweater
- Rain Coat (tied to the backpack)
NOTE::: The educators do carry some extra clothes, sunscreen, bug spray etc with them just in case. Each child is expected to show up dressed appropriately for the day.