The following non-profits and organizations are ones that we work with throughout our school year. If you would like to be a part of our community, please feel free to contact us! We’d love to hear from you!
EartHand Gleaners Society
EartHand Gleaners is a non-profit urban weavers organization in Vancouver BC. They are an integral part of our community at Muddy Boot Prints. We work closely alongside them at Trillium Park North. EartHand is working in conjunction with the Vancouver Park Board as a part of a pilot project that supports environmental art and education experiences in city parks. We share their space with them at Trillium Park North.
Environmental Youth Alliance
The Environmental Youth Alliance is a non-profit charity that cultivates transformative nature experiences for children and youth in urban environments to foster community connectedness, build ecological leadership skills, and enhance their well-being. We see them a few times a year as they offer us wonderful workshops on bees! We value our connection with EYA greatly.
Strathcona Community Gardens
Strathcona Community Gardens is the oldest and largest community garden in Vancouver that boasts 3.5 acres of land nestled into the corner of Vancouver at the southern tip of Strathcona neighbourhood. Muddy Boot Prints spends a lot of time in the gardens throughout the year tending to Miss Belva’s garden plot that she shares with the program as well as exploring the gardens and all it has to offer.