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All New Finches Program for 2022-23

We here at Muddy Boot Prints are very excited to announce a brand new program for the 2022-2023 School Term.

Over the last year, there has been considerable interest in our afternoon Starlings Program for children aged 3-6 that happens on Monday/Wednesday afternoons. So much interest in fact that we decided to merge the Starlings and Goldenears Programs into one and *drum roll please* call it Finches Program!

The Finches Program will be 4 afternoons a week (Mon-Thurs), 1pm-4pm. A 2 day minimum registration is required. For now, the program will share it’s time between Trout Lake and Trillium North Park. We will begin the year at Trout Lake. As Trout Lake can be prone to flooding in the winter, when the rains begin in November, we will move over to Trillium North Park where we have a few ‘creature comforts’ of a covered outdoor area, gated work bay and access to running water all year round. We will stay at Trillium until Spring Break, after which we will be moving back to Trout Lake to finish off the year.

As this is the first year of running a program out of a park 4 days a week, we are going to see how we do with this. If we need to shift locations to another park for a few weeks to change it up, we may just do that. Any park that we may move to will be in East Van and ample notice will be given via our in house monthly newsletters.

All families that were on our Starlings and Goldenears Programs will be merged into one Finches waitlist. Your spot will not be lost!

If you’d like to join our Finches waitlist, please email the Director at your child’s name and birthday and that you’d like to join the Finches waitlist.